You will now be able to analyze your training truly.

With GmPly, get reports and analyses in unmatched detail.

What metrics did the LMSs you have used so far give you?

  • What % of the training did they complete?

  • How long did they spend on the course? (You were already posting 3-minute training videos.)

  • Is the course fully completed?

  • What is their score?

Except for the last two, how precise are those metrics in measuring your user's knowledge level?

Since there is no training time limit in GmPly, and you can prepare interactive videos, you can get very detailed reports. On GmPly, you can get the results of each option clicked on the screen per segment and user basis.

Cross tabulation

For example;

Among those who chose option 3 in the first question and chose "No" in the seventh and ninth questions, you can check the status of those who are in the "Antalya" region and are "customer representatives".


Regarding workplace hygiene, filter those who answered "do you know what bacteria is?" with a "yes". Now, filter those who responded to the question of what they should do if a customer ordered a hot meal and canceled it, other than the correct answer, "I throw it in the trash."


You can analyze how many (and who) of those who stated "not smoking" in the orientation course chose the "show location of the smoking-room" option in the social facilities section of the training.